Pieter Bruegel the Elder
(Dutch pronunciation:c. 1525 - 9 September 1569) was a Flemish Renaissance painter and printmaker known for his landscapes and peasant scenes (Genre Painting). He is sometimes referred to as "Peasant Bruegel" to distinguish him from other members of the Brueghel dynasty, but is also the one generally meant when the context does not make clear which "Bruegel" is being referred to. From 1559 he dropped the 'h' from his name and started signing his paintings as Bruegel.
There are records that he was born in Breda, Netherlands, but it is uncertain whether the Dutch town of Breda or the Belgian town of Bree, called Breda in Latin, is meant. He was an apprentice of Pieter Coecke van Aelst, whose daughter Mayken he later married. He spent some time in France and Italy, and then went to Antwerp, where in 1551 he was accepted as a master in the painter's guild. He traveled to Italy soon after, and then returned to Antwerp before settling in Brussels permanently 10 years later. He received the nickname 'Peasant Bruegel' or 'Bruegel the Peasant' for his alleged practice of dressing up like a peasant in order to mingle at weddings and other celebrations, thereby gaining inspiration and authentic details for his genre paintings. He died in Brussels on 9 September 1569 and was buried in the Kapellekerk. He was the father of Pieter Brueghel the Younger and Jan Brueghel the Elder. Both became painters, but as they were very young children when their father died, it is believed neither received any training from him. Related Paintings of Pieter Bruegel the Elder :. | Turmbau zu Babel | The Census at Bethlehem | The Corn Harvest | Pieter Bruegel The Children's games | Zyklus der Monatsbilder | Related Artists: j. f. willumsen(7. september 1863 i København - 4. april 1958 i Cannes) var en af pionererne bag det moderne gennembrud i dansk billedkunst omkring 1900. Han var primært maler, men mestrede de fleste kunstarter og arbejdede desuden som billedhugger, grafiker, keramiker, arkitekt og fotograf.
J.F. Willumsen studerede ved Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi fra 1881 til 1885. Efter tre forgæves forsøg på at blive indstillet til afgangsprøven på Kunstakademiet, studerede han på Kunstnernes Frie Studieskoler i København. I 1891 var han med til at stifte Den Frie Udstilling, hvis udstillingsbygning han tegnede i 1898.
Willumsen opholdt sig i hovedparten af sit liv uden for Danmarks grænser, hovedsageligt i Frankrig, hvor han under et ophold i Paris 1890-94 blev præget af symbolismen. I de følgende årtier blev han eksponent for flere af epokens kunstretninger og hans stil ændredes i mere ekspressiv retning.
Willumsen tilbød en stor del af sine værker og kunstsamling til staten og arbejdede fra 1930'erne på oprettelse af et museum. I 1957, året før hans død, åbnede J.F. Willumsens museum i Frederikssund. Matthias Withoos (1627-1703), also known as Calzetta Bianca and Calzetti, was a Dutch painter of still lifes and city scenes, best-known for the details of insects, reptiles and undergrowth in the foreground of his pictures.
Withoos was born in Amersfoort. He studied under Jacob van Campen, at his painters' school just outside the city at his country house, and then with Otto Marseus van Schrieck. When he was 21, Withoos made a trip to Rome with Van Schrieck, and Willem van Aelst. There they joined the group of northern artists known as the "Bentvueghels" ("Birds of a feather"), and Withoos went by the alias "Calzetta Bianca" ("White Hose") a translation of his name into Italian. Withoos' work caught the eye of the cardinal Leopoldo de Medici, who commissioned various paintings from him.
In 1653, the artist returned to Amersfoort.When French troops occupied Amersfoort in the "Disastrous Year" of 1672, Withoos fled from Amersfoort to Hoorn, where he would remain until his death in 1703. william r clark1829-1912